Wednesday, February 3, 2016

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"Plagiarism is the "wrongful appropriation" and "stealing and publication" of  another author's "language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions" and the representation of them as one's own original work."         


Just by missing a few quotation marks here and there or maybe forgetting to  type in whose lines were these from would make me a Plagiarist. And trust me, nobody would want to be accused or even labelled for plagiarism. Plagiarism is a big no-no in the world of academia, literature and industry. It is offensive to so many authors who have worked, and thought long and hard for whatever it is they're trying to sell. Can you imagine? Your work being published, revealed or shared to the world as someone else's. After the long hours you've spent in the office thinking, thinking and thinking just to have another line to your story, the nights you've stayed up for and the amount of caffeine you've consumed just so your eyes wouldn't let you down, in one quick flash, everything you've done were wasted. Worst case scenario, your work would expose a plagiarist to the limelight, thus, making him millions of cash all because of something he stole. 

Plagiarism is a dishonest, pathetic and dense way to success. It is a fault in which you can no longer erase if things get out of hand. So many respectable people have been found out of committing plagiarism and they all ended the same. It all reflected in their image, they were labelled and they were mocked. For some of them, it cost them their careers. Of course nobody would want to publish another book of yours after rumours are confirmed that an allegation such as this is true. For some, it cost them their dignities as they showed lowness simply just by "borrowing" and taking credit. 

Just take Tito Sotto for example:

In my opinion, people who just so think of committing Plagiarism should be arrested. Or plagiaristic maybe just the celebrities. It should be crime because it is stealing. Think of all the underdogs out there who, as much as possible, do their work with honesty and hope that they would someday be discovered for their original work. So many artists, so little recognition. 

That's why it's best to always have a copy of your original work if someday you happen to post something of yours, Online. Better yet, take full credit and let your voice be heard. An artist speaking out for what is his is worthy of appreciation and recognition for his "art". 

Plagiarism is NOT cool.

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