Thursday, April 21, 2016


We had the speech choir competition today, as well as the Ignite competition. And at about 10:30 the show started.

The first section to have a go was ABMA 153 in tandem with ABMA 154.

Their performance was AWESOME. They were in costumes of black shirts, bottoms and capes and as they took to the stage, they gave everyone in the auditorium a good morning start. There was one thing I noticed, though and that was the mood they presented the poem. As I recall, one of our leaders had mentioned that having only one mood to the poem was not allowed, that's why we had a few twists in ours.

The second section to show was ABMA 154 and they left us with our eyes wide open.

We really didn't expect what they did and I don't mean that negative in any way. It felt like they were unprepared and so they rushed their practice. Not to mention, not everybody was opening their mouths. They started from the audience with Katniss Everdeen's little anthem of hope for the hopeful which made me excited but then when they hit the stage, it's as if tragedy struck. But what's important was they finished what they started and they looked happy about it. They did a great job at it at that!

The third section to hit the stage was ABMA 152.

It was like they were in a play of APC's Theatre Phileo. They went with a good start considering they had people at it with their facial expressions and such. Their screams were blood curdling which I would give praise to but their "Caged Bird" performance didn't give that much difference. If anything, they sang the poem which is not a bad thing but they could've thought it out differently. However, I commend them for their talent in theater!!

The fourth section.. was us: ABMA 151.

Being one of the performers, I wasn't sure how we looked. All I could remember was what we had practiced (apart for my HARD not to notice - mistake which I had successfully pulled myself out of). But I'm sure we wow-ed the crowd with our very different performance. I had fun!!

The second to the last section to perform was CPE 151

(Their section and the other ECE 151 won last Cheers and Chants at 1st place and champion while we bagged the 2nd place.)

They set the bars high even though they didn't have much for props. Instead, they had everything in check with their performance!

And the last section to steal everyone's attention was ECE 151

They gave a lot with their performance which was AWESOME and they moved as one as they should. I can't help but think that it felt like they didn't give their all but no matter, they were great!!

Then finally, the moment we all were waiting for. WE WON and the two other 151 sections too!

ABMA 151 - 2nd runner up

CPE     151 - 1st runner up

ECE     151 - Champion

What were the odds, right?

And to make matters better 2 of our classmates reigned champion in the Ignite competition and the Public Speaking contest!

Geraldine Marie Bravo - Ignite

John David Gulle - Public Speaking

In the end, we had fun (hopefully everyone), we gave what we could and left with smiles on our faces.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

• INTEGRITY has NO NEED of rules •

So today we had our PUBSPE competition, April 20, 2016.

Butterflies in my stomach.



We were started off with a quick orientation about today's event which was led by no other than Ms. Nina De Leon along with her children from APC Speaks. Although I have my perception of APC Speaks members to be organized and professional when it comes to their delivery, I was quite disappointed. Ms. Nina without a doubt did a great job but their lack of explanations for the criteria was a little off. For instance, knowing the criteria would be a way of help for us contestants so we'd give it our all but na-da.

We were then assigned rooms.

I was in room 607 with Angela and the rest was history.

I couldn't shake off the idea of doubt, choking and forgetting because I knew it was bound to happen and so I decided to distract myself by listening to each speakers' performance. They were great. I waited my turn and did my best to remember everything I practiced for but in the back of my mind, I just wanted to get things over with and when the round was finished I was overjoyed. We headed back to the auditorium, reuniting with our sections and waited for the announcement. We were all relaxed but we were more anxious to get out of the audi and have our lunches jk.

THEN the finalists were announced and did their parts.

TWO from our section were selected and we were in heaps of happiness! Jerica Valerio and John David Gulle. They both did great and I couldn't be more honoured to have been part of a competition in which they both were entered as well. It was a good day, indeed.

Jerica Valerio
John Gulle

• Who Wants To Be A Millionaire •

 "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (often informally called Millionaire) is an American television game show based on the same-titled British program and developed for the United States by Michael Davies. The show features a quiz competition in which contestants attempt to win a top prize of U.S. $1,000,000 by answering a series of multiple-choice questions of increasing difficulty (although, for a time, most of the questions were of random difficulty). -Wikipedia

It was the first period when we were asked by Ms. Minglana to proceed to the auditorium on the twelfth floor. 

An event. 

As it turns out, there was an event, that being: Who Wants to be a Millionaire contest. A number of students were chosen to represent each class and in our case, we had Jerica Valerio, Marlou Macalalad and Kristopher Coquia.


As usual, the event didn't start as planned. Representatives from different sections weren't present and there were still a lot of seats to be filled in the auditorium. People came and go. It was in the middle of the APC College week that's why people were either sleeping at home, participating at different events or ditching school.

We were the first section to arrive and we had nothing to do but wait.

I for one was bored for my life. It was a morning I left my home without eating breakfast and so I was famished; and so I proceeded to the cafeteria to buy food.But when I got back to the 12th floor something came up and so I wasn't able to watch the contest.

Luckily, I was close friends with Marlou and  so I asked about what happened and he said that sadly, they got cut off immediately without reaching the second round despite the fact that the topics were of books and our section representatives were foreigner.

• SOMA WEEK: Float Making Contest •




We worked on our APROJ float for almost three weeks. And it was 

beautiful, superb, really. Thanks to our two artiste's Manuela Roxas and 

Kristopher Coquia, the prize was ours to take; or so we thought.

About four days before the actual competition and mark of SOMA days, 

we found ourselves in a tight spot. The float, all the hard work, was 

sabotaged. The Bakunawa was ripped open. I felt bad for my 

classmates who actually put so much hours into doing countless 

newspaper burgers, newspaper pads and tissue soaked in shellwood 

glue. The group was furious. I was furious because they were so afraid of losing that they had to get to this low point of 

actually ruining somebody else's float. Sad. But we avenged Bakunawa and in two day's time, it was all set. Bakunawa 

lived again for another day. Until the day of the competition that is. About 7:30am we had to get the float out of the 

basement. We pushed and guided the float to the exit of the parking lot when we found out that our float was too damn 

big for the open. The other section successfully got theirs out without so much as a scratch when we got ours out with not

only bakunawa's body crushed but also the monkey's head torn off. Luckily a few from the other section actually helped

 us get the float out. And when we did, we felt disappointed; hopeless, even. But Joshua, Moises and Kristopher did their 

best to restore what could be restored with the remains of the float. The students competing against us watched. I saw 

some grin, laugh and snicker. I honestly didn't know what to feel. I was torn between hopelessness and rage. But the 

show had to go on. Even if we did not prevail.

• Benjamin Alves •

To celebrate his birthday he decided to take part of the poem reading contest; none other than the SANA DATI star, Benjamin Alves!

So it was true, Benjamin Alves celebrated his birthday in APC along with a few other schools he had planned on visiting. With him were an entourage of behind the cameras-crew, event planners and friends of his in showbiz.

But before that, it was a "chill" afternoon.

Me and a few friends had just gotten out of lunch and headed to the MPH1. We waited for the English professors' cue for us to go in. Until the time came and we did. Inside were chairs, tables, cupcakes, birthday cakes etc and to be honest, we couldn't contain our excitement! We couldn't wait to get our hands on those cupc-- I mean, we couldn't wait to see Benjamin.

Now, Benjamin, didn't arrive as early as we thought so an MC was there to keep the whole lot company. The MC was really nice and she was funny too! She knew well how to entertain a crowd and to break the ice, she had people volunteer for a game of PINOY HENYO. She had the volunteers hold pieces of paper on their heads and they had to guess what was written. But it wasn't long when they got word that Benjamin was coming and so after 2 rounds they declared a winner and had pictures taken.

When he arrived, he was greeted with smiles and likewise. He had all the girls wagging their tongues out and the boys left with jealousy.

He apologized for the delay and in a minute or two the show was on!

We sang him a 'Happy Birthday' and had the poem participants come in to present their art pieces. They were brilliant! The SOE really knows how to woo ladies with their gentle words. Then came Benjamin. His piece was absolutely breathtaking!

He said that it was an old poem of his, one he wrote for his 'the one that got away' and I could not help but feel awe for him. He was so deeply in love with her but in the end she wasn't his to keep. I looked his poem on-line but to my surprise, the internet has failed me. I would've recorded the whole thing but then I'll need his permission. It was a moment I'll never forget.

All I can say is he has talent.
He is a true artiste.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

• Paddington •


Paddington (2014)
Directed by: Paul King

"After a deadly earthquake destroys his home in Peruvian rainforest, a young bear (Ben Whishaw) makes his way to England in search of a new home. The bear, dubbed "Paddington" for the london train station, finds shelter with the family of Henry (Hugh Bonneville) and Mary Brown (Sally Hawkins). Although Paddington's amazement at urban living soon endears him to the Browns, someone else has her eye on him: Taxidermist Millicent Clyde (Nicole Kidman) has designs on the rare bear and his hide."                    

A Film by: Paul King

The morning we were at the AVR I didn't know what to expect and boy, was I glad. Ms. Elize put on the dvd and and the projector complied. The movie started with what seemed like a film of the past with the sepia-toned screen and black dots appearing everywhere when along showed a man. An explorer who's travelled all the way to the jungles of Peru. There he met two lovely bears, Pastuzo and Lucy. He showed fascination for the two creatures after seeing signs of being civilized. He then introduced many things to the bears until the time came when he had to pack his bags and leave. *Blast from the past scene 

There entered Paddington.

Paddington, a small and loveable cub was raised by his aunt and uncle. Due to catastrophic events, he was forced to leave the comforts of his home and find refuge in the great land of  London. 

I liked this movie very much because it certainly has been a while since I last watched a film starring an animated character with such a nicely-written plot. I can't say it was the same with films then because I can't recall anything similar to it. Paddington certainly knows how to make a crowd laugh especially because of his naivete and effort not to commit mistakes that lead to such disasters. His misfortunes, really, had me covering my eyes with surprise, pity and embarrassment but it was nothing compared to how much time I had laughing and smiling because of his adorable nature.

Paddington (2014)
Directed by: Paul King

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

• The 2016 APC College Week •

Balloons by the entrance. 

Food stands on the parking lot. 

Banners here and there. 

(c) APC RAM Page
APC College Week Highlights 2016
(c) APC Ram Page
APC College Week Highlights 2016
It's been five days since APC College week took place and as a freshman, this was something new to me. Although back in my school we've had events like this before, it was my first as a college student. The student councils (or whatnot) prepared cool things to keep the students' minds occupied.
There were games, challenges, talks, pageants and contests. I would've enjoyed the week more, however, if I actually stayed for each show but I couldn't. 

Out of everything that happened in the week, I was only able to watch 2 games and that of which were Men's Volleyball. 

I'd like to comment on the preparation, execution and "run" of the week. 

It was awesome. Awesome in a way that it was nice to see APC get pumped up for a week. 

It was okay. Although I said APC was pumped up, it was all because of decorations not from the students in charge of the mini happenings. 

It got old too fast. I guess five days are a little bit too much for a small school such as APC. I honestly expected a lot. Things that would have probably made APC shine. 

It needed more than just a spark. They should have at least cranked up the energy bar to a hundred. The school still looked like classes were going on (even if some were) they should have thought of making the school's atmosphere a little different than what it usually is. 

COLOR AND LOTS OF IT. I get that there were balloons and all but having a little bit more of color would have added life for the whole week. 

Attention-getters. APC is a home for brilliant students, right? It wouldn't have killed them to have asked students weeks or so before for what they would like to see during the college week. Because sometimes, reaching out to the students is better than having only a group run things. 

• SANA DATI: The most frustrating movie I've EVER watched •

"Andrea is about to marry a man she does not love when a mysterious guest arrives and reminds her of the man she truly loves." 

A Film by: Jerrold Tarog

This movie has scored a 7.8/10 rating in IMDb (In Filipino standards, I'm assuming) and might I add that it deserved that high of a rating. Although an indie film, this movie proves that the imprinted signature cliché Filipino films we have may finally have a cure to its disease of corniness.

Now, I don't watch Filipino films for a reason and I'd rather not say as it will cause quite a stir on my stand on patriotism but Sana Dati had definitely caught my attention. 

It wasn't like other Filipino movies because it tells the story well; as if a narrator was reading to his audience. 

The camera placement, SFX, theme surprised me as they weren't "crappy" unlike others films'.

The movie confused me so much because at first I wasn't sure who or what the movie was about. Who were they talking about, why was she and Dennis flirting so much and why did she have such an annoying best friend? Of course I got my answers after watching and I say, I'm impressed.

I was moved because she was hurt. She was in such depth after losing a loved one, so much so, she was almost suicidal. Although she had a different way of getting over everything, she just couldn't forget him. (or not until the last scene, at least)

This movie made me feel different afterwards because I was driven back and forth to the thought of whether or not I'll be as crazy and out of myself as Andrea was after Andrew's passing. She touched me in a way I've never felt before because I know that falling in love is inevitable. Once you're in, there's no way out and that scares me. But this movie taught me not to be. It was of love, loss and letting go. By far the most interesting Filipino film I've laid my eyes upon.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

• One of a Kind: Jon Santos •

Jon Santos was in my school last week and I wasn't there for the show.

So I will just blog things about him that I've found in the internet. 

Jonathan Adriano Santos was born on January 18, 1966. More popularly known as Jon Santos, is a Filipino comedian, actor, and impersonator who has done more than 50 different impersonations such as Ate Vi and Juan Flavor, probably two of his most famous impersonations. He is one of the three Philippine show business personalities (the other two being Maila Gumila and Amanda Griffin) who have Argawanon blood.

He is intelligent. 

He graduated University of the Philippines in 1987, was set to teach high school economics but ended up entering the comedy industry. He decided to try comedy writing for  TV and live stand-up comedy for a year.  "Around the last three sems ng aking Eco sa UP, I was already doing support roles in the live shows of Willie Nepomuceno and Tessie Tomas."

He is happily married to West Stewart. 

Which he kept secret at first because he values his privacy. 

West proposed to Jon after dating less than a year. West was originally based in San Francisco, USA before heading to the Philippines. They then travelled to Toronto, Canada to get hitched in front of a judge. 

They met in a party in a friend's house. 

You can't help but not miss that spark in his smile when is asked about his love life. Good for Jon!

He is a hit in the country.

Jon is included in the top 10 best comedian-impersonators in the Philippines that is why so many have been asking him to perform in front of a very large audience which he declines because he prefers smaller and more intimate venues like the Teatrino Greenhills where he is a regular. 

"Ever since I’ve entered the comedy profession, I’ve always preferred small venues. Yun ang nakasanayan ko na [That's what I've been used to].
"Gusto ko yung nakikita ko agad ang audience. I want to know kung bored na ba sila kaya kailangan ibahin ko na ang routineko." (I want to see the audience right away. I want to know if they're bored so I have to change my routine.)"
Jon is not only a great comedian but is also loving, humble and kind. He truly is one of a kind. 

• No More Smoking in Asia Pacific College •

There's a spot opposite to the entrance of the school made for students waiting for the shuttle.

It doesn't serve its purpose.

But it does serve as a smoking area to the stressed and nicotine-hungry individuals who also go to Asia Pacific College.

smoking cigarette oscar isaacNow for years, the same slogans have been spread through the internet. NO SMOKING.
Some establishments do not even welcome the vice when some, however, do. Time and time again, people still try to send the message: SMOKING KILLS, out there. But to no luck, advocacy groups'  ideas get shut down. Although the world is aware of its consequences, we do nothing about it. After every fight put up about the subject, to this day, the tobacco industry does not falter.

Enters this doohickey.


smoke meh exhale vapeNow this little stick is usually the thing you see in-between the fingers of  the 'cool kids', the 'transitioning from cigarette use', the 'you don't know my story' and the 'this is safer than real cigarettes' people.

THIS little gadget is what causes all the vapor in the same area I was talking about earlier. It has different flavors and scents to it which is a tad bit different to the traditional cigarette but it still kills as much. Although there are claims that this is a safer alternative, there are still rumors that there is a very dangerous chemical found in the liquid which they put into the electronic cigarettes for flavor that actually causes Cancer.

Why should Asia Pacific College discourage its students, staff or employees from cigarette smoking? 

Well, for one, if the school really cares about the welfare of its goers then they should prohibit ANYTHING they know is as lethal as killing people internally. First hand smoking is as deadly as second hand smoking.

Asia Pacific College is one of the few schools that let their students express themselves freely to the extent that they allow us to come to school with eye-catching hair colors, tattoos and attention-stealing clothes. But this little problem is too much and should be dealt with by the school's head.

But, like the rest of the world, we know what we're doing, we know its consequences yet we do nothing.

I'm just really looking forward to a smoke-free environment. And by environment, I mean school.

I would really appreciate not developing cancer because of my school's carelessness. Thank you.

teacher thank you reaction school comedy central

• Rio Almo •

Virgilio Senadren- Almario a.k.a Rio Almo

 is a Filipino artist, poet, critic, translator, editor, teacher, cultural manager, National Artist of the Philippines and currently serves as the chairman of the Komisyon sa Wikang Filipino (KWF).

He is known for many of his poems. Namely: Oriental, Sanaysay sa Sining, Korido sa Kalunos-lunos na Kapalaran ng Dilis, etc.

I've read only two of his poems. Both of which came from "Muli sa Kandungan ng Lupa" (Heartland) :


Because of her,
You will never forget that mole of an islandOn the green face of a placid sea.                                                Mariquita,Most giving, most guileless allure of brown skin,Sparkling scent of sweet rice and anise.What sorcery was there in her kiss—Waking memory’s seeds when we most unwanted,When we’re buried in the fragrance of a foreign breast.You say you were an innocent when first enticedBy the tiny stings of her love.   And, too, it was she drove youTo your long and endless wandering.What weed have you eatenFrom the wild of her belly dark and grim?
Friend, what a child you are in your longing,And you call her Native Land.



The typhoons’ episodes of terror are yearly:
Berserk wind and shattered glass
Streaming from the mouths of a thousand serpents,
Smoke of dark crystal billowing
From beyond the ancient shoulders of the bristling land.
The heavens crawl with crackling electricity
And the verdicts of thunder are without forgiveness or pity.
There were nights
When we were children watching
And listening for the keening
And whiplash of wet, demented monsters:
Turning wildly they tore every roof,
They toppled and smashed every wall and post;
The drains and canals choked,
The distressed bamboo begged for mercy.
We shut our eyes
At the final rumbling rape
Of our prostrate crops, the helpless land.
Tightly we shut our eyes,
Tightly, ever tightly…
Only to wonder in the morning
What power of sun expunged
And expelled these armies of the night. 

I've noticed that he is passionate. He expresses his admiration, criticism, and passion through his work. He displays them gracefully and honest. Being a literary and critic, publisher, cultural administrator, academic he is without a doubt a treasure to the country. 
I may not be familiar with his other works of literature but I can honestly say that just by reading two of his pieces I am amazed. 

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

• Turn Left, Turn Right •

“Beauty is such a certainty, but uncertainty is more beautiful”

Turn Right Turn Left, a movie directed by Johnnie To and Wai Ka-Fai.

I was intrigued as soon as I saw the title when it came up on the screen. I didn't know what to expect since I don't usually watch Asian rom-coms or any other genre in general. But as soon as we'd finished, I was happy, disappointed and relieved that I actually watched the film. It was, hands down, the most frustrating movie I have ever took the time to tune in to. 

Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993)
It was frustrating to me because the antagonists were annoying and if only John (763092) and Eve (784533) had opened their eyes, then they could have been together (dating) from the very start. But of course, there wouldn't be any thrill or at this point: a movie, right? 

Their fate was written in the stars. It was clear: they were meant to be together. They were both at the same place at the same time but they just weren't looking. It was amazing. 

This movie made me believe that everyone was meant for a someone and all it takes is perfect timing. Also, it lead me to believe that there is somebody out there, patient enough to wait to get to know you, see you and have you. That in a world of 7,432,663,275 people, there still remain passionate and hopeful people existing. 

I was put off by the ending, though. It was open-ended and by that moment when the cameras focused on to their umbrellas, it was finished. We didn't find out whether John went to U.K. or if Eve went to Poland (or somewhere in Europe). Imagine, after all this time, they couldn't have been in each other's embrace if it weren't for the earthquake. What a fortunate hour for a calamity to occur. 

I have mixed emotions about the movie. 

I liked it.

I hated it. 


I enjoyed it.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

• SEMINAR: Philippine Media and the Millenials •

02/09/2016. We were called early to the Auditorium for a seminar in GRAMCOMM. All the English Professors were there and we had our PUBSPE 1 there as well.

We were asked to take notes so we did. And that we should listen closely for there was an upcoming quiz about the content in said seminar so I listened.

Credits to the Photo-taker (I did not take this photo)
Our host for the day was a UP Los Banos graduate, a former executive Producer and Editor-in-Chief of His name was Toni Tiemsin.

And he taught us about us, millenials, are living in the "Me, me, me generation". I could not deny as it is true. We did live in a self-centered society whose first impulse was to take photos in the most bad situations.

Person 1: OH, WHAT'S THAT?!?
Person 2: Where?
Person 2: Hold on, let me take a selfie.*snaps*

Galaxy Quest (1999)
I feel your pain, Alan. 

Not only have we been vain but we are blinded by the lies the Media has been feeding us. 

The host used to work for a local TV Network (which was awesome) and so he knew what was going inside the concrete walls of the newsroom. He had told us that no matter how a story was important, so much so that the world needed to hear, if the big guy in the big chair says it doesn't go, it doesn't go. Instead, they put up stupid stories that were only good for a day and move on on the next day.

Anchorman (2004)
He, Toni Tiemsin, had a goal. And that was to make the world aware of what's really happening around us. And so that is why he and some colleagues had thought of making a blog site. And it's no ordinary blog site, too, it features the happening around the world, many of which were not aired on local news programs. Amazing, right? How up to this day we continue to listen to the countless lies covered by the media. All this time, many of us were unaware.

And so he taught us a thing or two, about how we can help:
-Be better Prosumers (Producer-Consumer, if you were wondering) of Media.
-Stay well-informed and well-rounded
-Be intelligent producer-consumers
-Stay relevant
-Maintain Sensitivity

and last but not the least,

Think of your kapwa.  

 At the end of the seminar, he had most of us thinking.

 "What can I contribute to the millenials?", this thought puzzled me. And so I said to myself, if I can share posts and photos of absolute nonsense, I sure as heck can share the world's stories. 

I refuse to be like the others, I do not want to be mindless and unaware. I want to be part of the sensible.   

Friday, February 5, 2016

• Reigning Victorious •




It all happened on a Friday, February 05, 2016. Our section was heating up for the contest. We were in uniform. Our pink custom-made shirts with our section printed in front, "ABMA 151". With bows on our heads and hope in our hearts. We proceeded to the 12th floor Auditorium at 8:00 am. Our hearts were pounding and we couldn't wait to get things over with.

We were the first section there.

We sat in front as we were the first section of ABMA. 

Waiting, relaxing and practising in our seats. 

We were hyped for the contest. It took a little while for the other sections to arrive but it was all right. 

They came and so did the judges. 

The advisers announced that we were to commence  the program at 9:00 am. And as for the wait and entertainment, Sir Nomer Yuzon, prepared a short presentation for us. 

Singing and a slideshow of his. 

The crowd cheered as he sang. For a while we forgot about the contest. The tension. The fear. But then, it was time. The show was about to start and all the nervousness came back. The M.C. started with the contest rules and criteria, the introduction to the panel of judges and then we were called. 

We performed. 

We did our best. 

We had fun. 

It was over. 

In a flash it was all over. We performed beautifully. Then the other sections performed and did what they did. 


Dead air. 

Proud hearts. 

Everyone performed their best. But it was time to announce the winners. In the end there only had to be three victors and we were fortunate to be part of it. 

We won 2nd place. We could not contain our excitement. We shouted, cheered and screamed as we went up the stage and back down, again. Some even joked about not having the essay we were supposed to make for another subject. The crowd was silent. I could feel the tension again. Out of all 4 sections that performed from ABMA, we were the only one included in the three winners. 

Sir Nomer announced quickly that our triumph was won unanimously. And said our score in total. 

Why? Maybe we had the same score as the other section. But the judges voted for us, fortunately.

An abundance of 151 victors. 

ABMA 151      2nd Place

CPE      151      1st Place

ECE      151      Champion

Everybody did well. CPE 151 and ECE 151 deserved to win. We cheered and were happy for them.

The contest was short but we had a hell of a time. We exited the auditorium happy with the trophy in hand. Yet another victorious moment for the section. All the hard work paid off, we were finally at peace.

It was over. It was all over. And we won. 

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

• PARASYTE: The Hand with the Mind of Its Own •

I'm no fan of Anime brought to life movies or Anime in its usual fashion but this movie really got me.

It reeled me in.

Caught my attention.

"Parasyte is a science fiction horror manga series written and illustrated by Hitoshi Iwaaki, and published in Kodansha's Afternoon magazine from 1988 to 1995."  - Wikipedia

I didn't know what to expect really, all I know was.. Ms. Elisse had taken us to the AVR room to watch a movie.

 (Keep in mind, I am not used to Anime movies so bear with me) 

At first I was kind of bothered by how the first scene in Parasyte was already a crucial point of the movie but, the thrill was there. Seeing how an alien would be able to sliver up and penetrate human skin so easily, in the midst of the night and no longer being able to wake up the next morning for you're consumed by an entity unknown to man, is horrifying. 

The "Parasyte" reminded me of the shrimp-like creature in Andy and Lana Wachowski's The Matrix. Where Neo was pinned down to have the said parasite, enter his body. Talk about brutal..

The Matrix (1999)
Directed by: Andy & Lana Wachowski

The difference was, that the worm-like in Parasyte had a mind and personality of its own. Whereas the one that entered Neo's body was more of a virus.

Shinichi Izumi, was lucky enough to have noticed the creature in his bedroom. And once again, a pair of headphones have saved another life. If it weren't for those, he would have died like the rest of the parasites' hosts. But Shinichi was lucky. I still couldn't figure out why Migi (the parasite) only got control of his hand but it was adorable. The next morning, Shinichi woke up feeling funny and his hand had a mind of its own. Then followed their adventures together. 

Parasyte - Manga Series
Written and Illustrated by: Hitoshi Iwaaki
I couldn't help but admire how they got the animated version right with the real live action version. 

Although it seemed like the scenes were all the same: a parasite kills another human, it feeds and kills again. You get reeled in because of the conflict rising. Especially when Migi was not able to complete his mission, that is, taking full control of Shinichi's body, he is now sentenced to death by fellow parasites. He and Shinichi pose as a threat to the parasitic race as they are unlike them. And how they are actually working together and co-habiting was astonishing to them.

It was a Comedy-Action with a tad of  Drama to me. But I wouldn't want to give away the whole story. All I can say is.. 

Parasyte brought me to tears. 
It was an entertaining movie although not a movie of my type, but it's pretty decent for a Manga-adaptation.
I'd give it a 6.9/10 

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"Plagiarism is the "wrongful appropriation" and "stealing and publication" of  another author's "language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions" and the representation of them as one's own original work."         


Just by missing a few quotation marks here and there or maybe forgetting to  type in whose lines were these from would make me a Plagiarist. And trust me, nobody would want to be accused or even labelled for plagiarism. Plagiarism is a big no-no in the world of academia, literature and industry. It is offensive to so many authors who have worked, and thought long and hard for whatever it is they're trying to sell. Can you imagine? Your work being published, revealed or shared to the world as someone else's. After the long hours you've spent in the office thinking, thinking and thinking just to have another line to your story, the nights you've stayed up for and the amount of caffeine you've consumed just so your eyes wouldn't let you down, in one quick flash, everything you've done were wasted. Worst case scenario, your work would expose a plagiarist to the limelight, thus, making him millions of cash all because of something he stole. 

Plagiarism is a dishonest, pathetic and dense way to success. It is a fault in which you can no longer erase if things get out of hand. So many respectable people have been found out of committing plagiarism and they all ended the same. It all reflected in their image, they were labelled and they were mocked. For some of them, it cost them their careers. Of course nobody would want to publish another book of yours after rumours are confirmed that an allegation such as this is true. For some, it cost them their dignities as they showed lowness simply just by "borrowing" and taking credit. 

Just take Tito Sotto for example:

In my opinion, people who just so think of committing Plagiarism should be arrested. Or plagiaristic maybe just the celebrities. It should be crime because it is stealing. Think of all the underdogs out there who, as much as possible, do their work with honesty and hope that they would someday be discovered for their original work. So many artists, so little recognition. 

That's why it's best to always have a copy of your original work if someday you happen to post something of yours, Online. Better yet, take full credit and let your voice be heard. An artist speaking out for what is his is worthy of appreciation and recognition for his "art". 

Plagiarism is NOT cool.